Made the trip ,shortened with stag anticipation, to a good spot in Dorchester. Got back plenty early and intenteded on setting up the decoy right before I settled in. That plan didn't work as I could see deer in the marsh meadow on my first climb. Not wanting to spook them I pulled the bow up and got ready for a stag... the hind and fawn were across the meadow. I tried some soft calling...they fed along the phrag for 15 minutes then disappeared. I heard a stag bugle across the meadow. A half hour later another hind appeared then quickly entered the phrag on the other side. Time more bugling..I scanned the small phrag patch to my immediate left. There was hardly any wind yet I saw a phrag stalk bend know what that means. Sure enough a nice hind and a young one fed within range. Moving into an opening, I drew the bow and held forever...she never gave me a good shot...I let down without being detected. She was either facing me or directly away from me. I never got the right angle for a shot so I snapped a photo with both moving away from me.
Got down at 10 am and attended the fall meeting of the MBS at Percy Ransome's place on Smithville Rd.
Good to see all there. Can't wait to get back over this week...go away HEAT.
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