Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Big 8 point Falls on Election Day

I headed for Somerset County yesterday to check out the whitetail sign and the two new food plots. After seeing some scrapes and running out of daylight, I took a stand where I killed a 3 1/2 year old   8 pointer two years ago. I rattled but never saw a deer. You don't always see them or none came close. The food plot looked real good.

A.M. - cold...30s. I decided to still hunt and continue to scout sign. I checked out the cherry grove ... found a couple new scrapes. Moved across the berm to the front field. After checking out an old ladder stand in a narrow, wooded funnel between the marsh and the field  I stepped back out into the field and turned to be face to face with a shooter buck, 70 yards away looking directly at me. 8:30 am. Rather than bolt he stood there while I tried the old Indian trick of trying to look like a deer lol bent over (nothing ventured ; nothing gained), moving out of his sight while grunting at him. Completing my manuever lol I peeped around the bush and grunted once more. Much to my surprise he started walking in my direction. I quickly nocked and arrow and watched the edge but more so watched down wind, in the woods behind me. Sure enough; he circled down wind. He presented a 36 yard, broadside shot. Magically, nothing was in the arrows flight path except him and I delivered the slick trick to his vitals. The hit was a little high and took one lung out (found out later) ... a grueling tracking job ensued. I stuck with it and then the landowner showed up and helped. He and I continued with diligence and found him at about 11 am.
   He was a big bodied 8 point, weighing 191 lbs. ..a fine specimen of an animal. I'm pretty sure I have him on camera from last year. I'll check his teeth for age but I think he is a 3 1/2 er. Since my camera broke I will  post a photoes when I can.
   In my estimation the bucks are cruising now at all hours of the day looking hard for estrus does. Its now time to rattle, grunt and use decoys. Good luck, be safe and be aggressive.
                                              Remember: "It won't work if you don't try it"

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