Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another Great Day with Joshua

Joshua came over Friday night and we prepared for his second deer hunt by handling the rifle some and going over good kill shots while looking at deer in various positions. 4 am came early but he was excited. Ate some brekafast and dressed for the cold. At the farm we met a father and his 10 year old son who was trying to kill his first deer. Joshua and his boy hit it off from the start.

We were on stand by 6:15 and didn't see a deer until about 9:45. Before 10:30 arrived we saw a total of 5; none with antlers. Since Joshua killed a doe on youth day he decided he wanted to only kill an antlered stag or was his decision and he stuck with it. We heard his buddy shoot but it was a miss.

Into the lodge we went and had a great lunch while the two boys played pool and kept occupied. They were truly deer hunting buds. Morning hunts were planned but both wanted to stay and our gracious host said please do. We went back to the same stand with great anticipation for seeing a lot of deer. Well, we saw deer that Joshua could have killed but he was holding out for the antlered deer. We heard a stag bugle a couple of times getting closer each time but we ran out of light.

Just before we called it quits we heard his new friend's gun go off. getting over to their hunting site we found his friend standing next to an adult doe anxious to tell Joshua the story. High 5s all around. Neat thing: his friend killed his first deer, a doe, out of the same box blind within 10 yards of where Joshua's first deer fell.

What a great day...time with my grandson. We went home where I fixed us supper and then took him home. His mom told me they watch a movie. I was lucky to make it home and crash. We appreciate the kindness of our host to let us hunt on such a great farm.


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